Total relay time was 23m 26s - 1st leg Lily-Mae Smith 8:02
2nd leg Nikki Kay 8:57
3rd Leg Hannah Lord 8:24 79th place out of 93 complete teams
Mintu Sidhu was the only runner in this category and ran a loop in 9m 36s
Total relay time was 28m 37s - 1st leg Marcus Lovell 10:15
2nd leg Matthew Chronicle 9:29
3rd leg Ben West 8:52 30th place out of 42 complete teams
With only two runners intros relay their times were as follows:
Cecilie Andersen - 10:41
Hannah Plaschkes - 10:59
Total relay time was 1h 7m 35s - 1st leg Kirk Smith 16:06
2nd leg George Wheeler 16:06
3rd leg Charlie Wheeler 17:05
4th leg Mick Greener 18:15 41st place out of 154 complete teams