The results of the virtual English Schools XC champs are in! Sophie came joint 4th in the junior girls category and Nic came joint 14th in the junior boys category, both in a time of 6:42.
553 girls competed in the JG race; 526 boys competed in the JB race. Both Sophie and Nic were the top Bedfordshire athletes in their races. A huge 'well done' to them both!
See for all results.
The ESAA has had to postpone the Track and Field cup in its usual format for 2021, due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Its website says: ‘There will be no national or regional finals this year. However, there will be meetings at county level between the 8th and 25th June, with the results appearing on the ESAA website as Round 1/County fixtures.’ For more on this, please see
We're looking forward to having at least some schools racing this summer. Watch this space for more info!